Saturday, May 14, 2011


*bagilah binatang nih untuk hadiah hari jadi aku..hemo hemo*


Selamat morning guys! Dah take ur brekpes? I am having it now. Nice cool green tea & nuggets. Am now missing home with nasi lemak & hot tea...hmmmmm...even the nasi lemak not from home (buy one) but still I cannot find the nice one here.


It's been ages i'm not updating this blog. I know nobody going to care pon. But what to do there's a lot of requestsssss I receieved ask me to update my blog oftenly.(mata ke atas tangan ke dada)

Now I am updating just want to improve my english even I know it's good enough already (mata ke atas tangan ke dada).

eh weh weh spongebob dah start..later I continue my mumbling..


Arisa Mihashi said...

what the hell with mata ke atas tangan ke dada??

Unknown said...

wah..ur english so marina nugget tempura